This first session was aimed to show us that everything and everyone are branded, to start we defined the keywords of branding, the elements who came where: representation, identity, images, symbols, principles and coherence.
And as a general concept, we defined branding as an association of a Logo + Advertising + colours + catchphrase, those characters are made for people to remember it, example: Think different/Apple.
Later in the session, we put up selfies of our own with what we were wearing that day, the aim of this exercise was to define ourselves regarding the types of brands we were wearing.

Later on, during the session, we have presented the different types of branding:
• Commercial corporates, all the big groups like Apple, Google, Nike, …
• Non-commercial corporates, such as all the ONG, companies that do not sell any products but are represented by a branded image.
• Institutions, Such as UAL: a group of universities grouped under the same name, and appears as a company
• Geographic branding, selling the image of a neighbourhood in development, for example, we were shown Elephant and Castle a place where hight investment is in action in the moment to improve the image of the area. 
Celebrities branding, actors, social media phenomenon's, selling their image and influences.

The group workshop of this session was to humanise a brand, by creating a character of it specifying the name, hobbies, age, job… , and narrate a story about it, including information about the brand we have chosen.
To finish the session we had to create our own logo, and express why it represents us.